Arrowroot/Uraro Production

Arrowroot   Marantha arundinacea or “Uraro” is wide cultivated in the Philippines for its starchy rhizomes. It is a low perennial herbaceous plant with thick, fleshy and creeping roots and long white fibers and is a good source of flour. arrowroot flour has a very high commercial value in the international market because it is best ingredients in making high quality biscuits and cookies.


There is no distinct variety of arrowroot in the Philippines as this crop is grown mostly in a semi cultivated condition. However, Tiaong   Experimental Station had so far collected different stains,

Namely: Cuenca strain, san Pablo and a foreign one from Africa. calauan strain was discovered in 1962 at a coconut groove in Calauan, laguna. this strain grows taller and produces more rhizomes than other known strains.


Arrowroot thrives anywhere and the Philippines provided there is enough moisture in the soil for its normal growth grows bets in places where rainfall is uniformly distributed throughout the year. The rhizomes are resistant to in-Clement weather and can stay long in the soil. they germinate in the same area where they have been planted.


Arrowroot requires a friable, well drained loamy soil. However, soil at the foot of the hills, in valley and newly opened areas are preferable. Clayey soil must be avoided since it induces poor rhizome development and usually cause the deformation of the rhizome which tends to break during harvesting. It is advisable to plant this crop in an open field provided there is sufficient moisture throughout its growing period. Planting in partially shaded areas can also be done but with reduce yield.


Prepare the land by plowing and harrowing two or three times depending upon the soil structure. Plow deep enough to provide favorable condition for better root development.


Arrowroot can be propagated by suckers and rootstock or rhizomes with two or more nodes each. two suckers may be planted to a hill at a distance of 1.0 x 0.75 meters. Under poor soil condition, the hills should set closer about 0.75 x 0.30 meters apart.


No irrigation needed provided there is enough moisture in the soil especially at the early stage of growth.

The crop responds well to fertilization. In a study conducted at UPLB, yield of 18.47 tons and 26.15 tons/ha. Compost or commercial fertilizer can be applied to the application of 300 to 400kg of 14-14-14 per hectare is recommended.


Simultaneous weeding and cultivation must be done during the first three to four months, depending upon the weed population in the field. Alternate hilling-up and off-barring must be employed until the plants are big enough to cover spaces between rows.


There are several diseases found to be associated with arrowroot but only one of them is reported to occur in the Philippines.

1. BACTERIAL WILT - It is a vascular wilt disease of arrowroot reported to occur in brazil in 1962 and the bacterial pathogen was identified as Xanthomonas marantae.

Control Measure: 

Use healthy propagating materials. planting should not be located in areas where disease has occurred and infected plants should be rouged and burned including roots.

2. BANDED LEAF BLIGHT It was observed in north Malabar (India) in 1946 and described two years later after growers experienced considerable losses. The disease can be of some consequence under favorable conditions but has been reported only in India. Evidence of infection is mall, water-soaked spots that may enlarge rapidly by the formation of successive but sometimes discontinuous, eccentric zones. Aerial mycelium quickly covers both leaf surfaces and basidia and basidiosphores are produce in the scant, whitist superficial growth. Affected leaves become completely necrotic and are rotten by a secondary microorganism. The disease is caused by Thanatiphous cucumesis Frank, an infectious fungus that infected leaves of several plants that include rice, corn, sugarcane and even citrus. It is reported troublesome during periods of high rainfall.

Control measure

Foliar spraying (both leaf surface) prior to the onset of high rainfall season with Zineb, Maneb or Cooper fungicide using the rate recommended by the manufacture.

3. Mosaic -  is reported to occur in the Philippines but of minor importance. Symptoms are similar to that abaca mosaic, presence of whitish small dots and narrow streaks. It is transmitted either mechanically or through an insect vector – aphids but not persistent.

Control Measure 

Methods include rouging, selection of healthy planting materials, controlling of aphids, avoid inter planting to susceptible host and weed control.

Insect Pest – arrowroot is not normally subject to serious attacks by pest. In some arrowroot growing countries, the only pest of any importance is the leaf roller, Colopedes etheus, Cram, which can easily control by arsenical spray.

Harvesting – The crop is ready for harvest 8 to 10 months after planting. However, it was found out to produce higher yield when harvested in eleven to twelve months, with higher content of starch (25%)

Like any other roots crops, it is harvested by passing plow close to the furrows, exposing the tuberous roots, then cut –off the stem. Harvesting with the use of a fork may also be done on pulling up the whole plant in case of sandy loam soil.


Rhizomes when extracted is a source of a dry white powder. This powder s a source of one of the purest form of natural carbohydrates.

Superior quality starch is used in making a first class biscuits, pastries, cakes, native “kutsinta” and “suman”.

“Uraro” a popular biscuit in Laguna is a made from pure arrowroot flour. Its flour being a highly digestible and able to prevent curdling is used mainly for invalid’s and infant’s milk food.

It is also excellent ingredient for thickening ice cream. The rhizomes are good rice substitute or extender. The tuberous root can be eaten when boiled or roasted before they become fibrous, and taste similar if not superior to corn.

Arrowroot is also an effective substitute for corn in broiler ration. Other plant parts are excellent roughage and silage for animals. The fibrous materials remain after the extraction of starch can also use as cattle feed.

Arrowroot starch possesses demulcent properties and sometimes used in the treatment of diseases of the intestine. Powdered rhizomes may be used as poultice for wounds and ulcers.

Plant leaves are occasionally use as packing materials, while the pulp is use in the manufacturing if papers, cardboard, cushions and wallboard.

